Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (E.M.H.C).

As Catholics, we believe that Christ is fully present in both species of the Eucharist. In other words, both Body and Blood are wholly present in both elements after the consecration. The E.M.H.C. of Holy Communion assists at the liturgy by distributing the precious body and blood of our Lord. E.M.H.C may be asked to assist with holy day masses and may be ash distributors on Ash Wednesday. If willing, an E.M.H.C. can sign up to take communion to the sick and homebound.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to sign in and prepare for Mass.

Please review our Dress Code for Mass.


  • Individuals must be confirmed in the Catholic Church

  • Individuals must be in good standing with the Catholic Church.

  • E.M.H.C must be registered members of St Luke the Evangelist Parish or approved by Father Ken.

  • E.M.H.C will distribute ashes at Ash Wednesday Masses.

Please contact Karen Bishop for more information, below.