Parish Finance Council


The St Luke’s Finance Council represents parishioners to assist the pastor in the financial matters of the parish. The Council focuses its work in several areas:

  • Ensures strong discipline by reviewing parish finances on a monthly and annual basis and approving any significant expenses

  • Aligns parish resources to advance the priorities of the parish and school by managing the annual budgeting process

  • Consults on facilities projects and fundraising needs to support those projects

  • Educates and communicates the finances of the parish to all parishioners.

The St. Luke’s Finance Council is made up of six to eight individuals appointed by the pastor to serve no more than two, three-year terms. One third of the terms expire each July-to-June fiscal year. Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7:10pm.

Meeting are open to the Parish.  Please contact Jimmy Becker if time on the agenda is desired.

Voting Members

Andrew Gall
Bruce Mehlhop
Anna Schaffer
Dustyn Curran
Kevin Fisher
Kyle Wehr
Jimmy Becker
Andrea Daniel
Daniel Kunkel


Dana Bastian
Bruce Mehlhop

Non-Voting Members

Fr. Ken Halbur
Fr Ryan Andrew

Meeting Minutes


January 26
February 23
March 23


January 27


September 2020

09/12/2020: Finance Council Chair, Jimmy Becker’s talk to St. Luke’s Parish about the financial focus going forward (Phase II, Debt Reduction, and Tithing.

August 2021

09/07/2021: Finance Council Update