Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Adults are welcomed into the church through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program. The program is a process of formation that seeks to introduce/develop one's relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church. If an individual chooses, they may continue in the program and prepare for the sacraments of Baptism (if not already Baptized in a Christian church), First Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation. For more information, please contact David Reising.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins Wednesday, September 27th. We will meet in either the conference room or the meeting room every Wednesday, from 6:30pm to 8pm. If you have already met with me, or you haven't but are interested in finding out more about RCIA, contact me at david.reising@slte.org or stop by one of our classes.

Please follow this link to complete an RCIA Adult Inquirer Form.