Adult Faith Formation

(Talk to God)

(Get to know God better)

(Love God in your neighbor)

 Love God in your neighbor

Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt. 25:40). The call to evangelize, which we received at our baptism, is God calling us to share his love with those around us. He has shown us the depth of his love for us in the person of Jesus Christ, and He desires that we bring that love to everyone. God’s love is the “Good News” of the Gospel, and we evangelize every time we share his love. That is why we can and should evangelize at all times, no matter where we are! Here are a few ideas for how you could help share the Good News of God’s love within the parish and at home.

Within St. Luke’s

Click on the links below to see how you could use your talents to help share the Good News of God’s love within the parish!

Ideas for evangelizing through your words and actions

Simple ways to evangelize through your words.

  • It is easy to fall into gossip. Evangelize by your example of building others up and speaking well of others instead.

  • Talk about books, podcasts, events, etc. that have helped you grow closer to God.

Simple ways to evangelize through your actions.

  • Strive to grow closer to God: just by trying to grow in your own relationship with God, you are evangelizing! By placing God first in your life, you point others to God!

  • Strive to live the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Dedicate time each month to do a corporal work of mercy. You can make it as simple or as creative as you want. For example, you could donate food and clothing to a homeless shelter or you could make a blanket for a hospital to give to a child in need. Here is a list of the corporal works of mercy and some ideas on how to live them out.